Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the priest at Mass or other services. This is a great way for them to learn about the Eucharist. The Altar Server Ministry is open to all children of St. Bernard Parish who are fifth grade and up. A training session is held each fall. Altar Servers are normally scheduled one or two times per month throughout the year.
Those who are called to the ministry of reader apply their talents and time to proclaim God’s Word to the worship community. This ministry requires preparation of the Old and New Testament readings in the Liturgy of the Word.
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers share Holy Communion with the congregation at Mass. A training session is required. Serve as necessary. Sign up before Mass.
Musicians help lead the people in worship during Mass. The beautiful gift of music aids us in praising God in the liturgy.
Communion to Homebound
Eucharistic Ministers to the home bound are specially trained to take the Eucharist from church out to those Catholics and parishioners who, due to sickness or aging, are unable to join us for the celebration of the Mass. As they visit each person, the ministers offer Communion and read Scripture.
Sacristans work behind the scenes preparing items used during our liturgical celebrations, including hosts, wine, vessels, linens, vestments, etc. A training session is required. Sacristans serve at least once a month.
Liturgical Environment
These parishioners decorate the worship space. They create an atmosphere of simplicity and hospitality with attention to the total space from the approach to the building through the gathering space and to the altar itself.
Altar Linens
Assist in washing and preparing linens for the altar.