Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is a ministry to adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. OCIA addresses the conversion needs of:
Adults who have never been baptized
Adults who have been baptized in another Christian tradition
Adults who were baptized Catholic but have had no instruction in the faith or have not received the Sacraments of First Eucharist and/or Confirmation.
The mission of the Order of Christian Initiation at St. Bernard is to encourage and support the faith formation of those seeking to live as Catholic Christians. For more information, please call the parish office and leave your name and phone number for Kathy or email her at kathy@stbernardcong.org.
Do you think you have no faith, yet desire something richer?
Are you yearning for the kind of faith you see in others?
Do you long for the deepest sense of happiness?
Do you want a relationship with the God who created you?
Do you long for a sense of belonging to a community of believers?
Is something tugging at your heart, inspiring you to respond to the needs of people?
Do you seek to understand and live by God’s word?
Did you know that being part of a worshipping community strengthens your connection to God?
Do you feel something missing in your life?
Do you want to know and love God?
If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions; it may be God calling to you to convert your heart.