St. Bernard Parish
Adult Ministries
Deeper Faith
You and your friends are invited to join the Deeper Faith session on Monday, March 10th. The theme this month is “Going into the Deep on the Sacrament of Reconciliation” where we will try to answer some questions such as:
What defines a “great” confession?
How do we determine what to confess?
Is missing Sunday Mass something that must be confessed?
What are the graces we receive in this Sacrament?
How does this Sacrament make a positive difference in our lives and in the life of the Church and the world?
Featured will be Fr. Gregory Maria Pine, O.P.
We begin with prayer, fellowship and snacks at 5:30 pm in Bishop Hall. The videos will begin at 6:00 pm. with discussion to follow. Listeners are always welcome! Call or email Kathy in the parish office for more information. We would love to have you join us! or 920-301-3285.
Men's Fellowship Group
Join the Men’s Fellowship Group on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month from 6:45-8 PM in Bishop Hall to grow in faith and community.
Blessed is She
Blessed is She is a Catholic women’s community committed to deepening a life of prayer starting with daily Scripture devotionals and a supportive sisterhood. Please click below to see our meeting schedule! All women are welcome to join us anytime.
Young Married Couples Ministry
A community for young married couples in their 20s & 30s to strengthen marriages, form friendships, & encourage spouses to lead each other closer to Heaven.
Women of Faith
The St. Bernard Women of Faith shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God, to develop a creative and supportive organization, and to expand the growth of its parish members and the parish of St. Bernard through unity with all.
The St. Bernard Women of Faith community will plan quarterly events focusing on mind, body, & spirit of all.
All are welcome to join us at our meetings.
Grief Share
Are you or someone you know grieving the loss of a loved one?
Do you sometimes feel stuck in your grief?
Do you wonder if your grief experience is “normal?”
Please join us for GriefShare, a weekly grief recovery group that provides…
Informative and inspirational videos featuring grief recovery experts.
Small group discussions to reflect on the video content.
An opportunity to fellowship with others who are on their own “grief journey.”
Take home support materials for between meetings.
St. Monica Prayer Chain
Just as St. Monica prayed for her son, St. Augustine, the intercessors in this group want to pray for the needs and intentions of the parishioners of St. Bernard Parish. We are looking for additional intercessors who are willing to respond to the requests which could take 2-5 minutes of time. This ministry can be prayed from home or anywhere one receives media communication.
Contact Julie using the button below to join or share a prayer request.
St. Bernard Outreach Ministry
The St. Bernard Outreach Ministry is open to all parishioners interested in serving God’s people as Jesus exemplified for us through the Corporal Works of Mercy.
We oversee and organize the following parish ministries:
Prayer Shawl Ministry,
Ecumenical Partnership for Housing (EPH),
Elizabeth Ministry,
Love Life
N.E.W. Community Shelter Meal
Respect Life
St. Vincent de Paul
Homebound and care facility Ministry
Christmas Giving Tree