
A fundraiser to help support

St. Bernard Parish and St. Bernard School.

For questions, contact Denise Miketinac,

What is it?

Scrip is fundraising while you shop, and you won’t have to sell anything. Scrip fundraising gift cards are the same gift cards you would normally purchase from a retailer in your local retail stores, and they work the same way. With over 700 of the country’s biggest brands, we have something to appeal to every family. You’ll find cards you can use at grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, movie theaters, home improvement stores, and almost any business that accepts gift cards. Virtually anywhere you shop will accept some form of Scrip.

The basics: it’s easy!

Using Scrip couldn’t be easier. Families purchase gift cards for places where they plan to shop, and use those cards instead of cash or credit. St. Bernard buys those gift cards at a discount. We sell them to you for full face value and you redeem the cards for full face value. The parish keeps the difference as a rebate, earning a percentage of every dollar spent using the Scrip gift cards. As an added benefit, many Scrip users find that they become smarter shoppers by using the gift cards and planning ahead for every purchase.