Fr. Adam Bradley
Welcome to St. Bernard Parish!
It is my hope that you find our website informative and helpful. St. Bernard is an active parish that has many opportunities for you to grow in a deeper relationship with God. We seek to give God our best through prayerful Masses, Adoration, and opportunities to engage in the sacramental life of the Church. It is our hope that you can join us as we journey towards God.
I encourage you to explore this site and find out what types of faith building opportunities are most helpful to you. We have adult faith education, book and video studies, parish-based service projects and many devotional practices. We also have different men’s and women’s groups who will travel with you in solidarity on your walk with the Lord in holiness.
It is our desire to provide quality religious education for our students in our school and in our evening religious education classes, helping them to discern the Lord’s will in their lives and to choose what is true and good.
St. Bernard parish is a great place to grow in relationship with our Lord. We hope that you find it to be a place that you can call home and where you can deepen your faith in Jesus.
Please feel free to contact our parish office if you have questions on events or officially joining us. Also feel free to stop by our parish office and talk to our wonderful staff about all that is going on at St. Bernard.
Know of my continued prayers for you.
God Bless,
Fr. Adam Bradley