
There are several wonderful opportunities to share your faith through music at St. Bernard. ​​

These opportunities are outlined below. To become involved, please contact the individuals listed.


Contemporary Choir

This is an opportunity to experience the joy of participating in the liturgy, while leading the community in song in a blended contemporary style accompanied by a variety of instruments including guitar, bass and flute. The choir is open to adults, as well as students in grades 9-12. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings at 7 PM September through May. Sing at mass as scheduled.

Contact Joe LeBeau at 920-301-3024

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Cantors are a vital part of the music ministry at St. Bernard. They welcome the assembly, lead the assembly in song and read the Prayers of the Faithful. The role of the cantor requires a great deal of independent practice and a high skill level. Audition required. Sing at mass as scheduled.

Contact Joe LeBeau at 920-301-3024



Instrumentalists of all kinds (guitar, piano, organ, brass, woodwind, strings etc.) are welcome to share their musical gift. Of course it is necessary to have had some musical training and the ability to read music at a high school level. Those wishing to play should also be comfortable playing independently in front of large groups of people. Audition required. Rehearse as needed.
Contact Joe LeBeau at 920-301-3024