Baptism is the first of the initiation sacraments. Baptism gives the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Church encourages us to celebrate Baptism soon after birth. Baptism is celebrated during or after one of our weekend masses.
If you would like to schedule a Baptism for your child, please contact Deacon Bernie Terrien at 920-468-4811.
If you are an adult and wish to be baptized, you are encouraged to consider joining the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). Contact Kathy: kathy@stbernardcong.org or 920-468-4811.
First Holy Communion
At St. Bernard Parish, the Sacrament of 1st Communion is normally prepared for as a part of religious education in second grade.
If you have questions about your child receiving his or her 1st Holy Communion, please contact Jeannine Hadzima at 920-301-3279.
If you are an adult and wish to receive your 1st Holy Communion, you are encouraged to consider joining the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). Contact Kathy: kathy@stbernardcong.org or 920-468-4811.
Confessions are heard every Saturday from 2:30-3:45 PM and Tuesday from 5:00-6:00 PM. The Confessional is located in the main church under the clock (to the left looking at the Altar).
At St. Bernard Parish, preparation for this Sacrament is in the second grade. When your child enters the second grade, either in the day school or religious education program, you will receive information regarding first Confession in the fall.
If you are an adult and wish to make your first Confession, you are encouraged to consider joining the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). Contact Kathy: kathy@stbernardcong.org or 920-468-4811.
Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation and the final step towards full spiritual participation within the Catholic Church. Confirmation is the completion of Holy Baptism, where the gifts of the Holy Spirit are sealed and strengthened so that the Confirmand can continue on in life as a soldier for Christ, worthy of Heaven.
There are 2 components of Confirmation preparation that the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay asks every high school student to complete:
1. Public high school students must complete Wednesday night faith formation classes. NDA students do not need to complete this because it is part of their school curriculum.
2. Additionally, all students must complete immediate Confirmation preparation classes which conclude with an all-day retreat.
If you are an adult looking to be confirmed, you are encouraged to consider joining the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA). Contact Kathy: kathy@stbernardcong.org or 920-468-4811.
Congratulations on your engagement! Please contact the parish office 6-12 months in advance to book your wedding. St. Bernard Parish, as well as the Green Bay Catholic Diocese, requires engaged couples to complete a thorough marriage preparation program.
All wedding dates must be approved by Fr. Adam Bradley before the date will be finalized.
Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of Holy Anointing is not just for those who are dying, but it is available for anyone who is seriously ill at anytime.
If you would like to be anointed please call the parish office at 920-468-4811 and ask that Fr. Adam or another priest anoint you.