Join Fr. Mark on a pilgrimage to some of the great Churches of Milwaukee! On Tuesday, May 9, we will be making our way to Milwaukee to visit some of the most historic, beautiful Churches in the state. Our day will begin by boarding a deluxe motorcoach in the St. Bernard Parking Lot (Parish Office Side) at 7:00 am for a 7:30 am departure. Guests will enjoy coffee and a continental breakfast on the way to Milwaukee. Once there, Fr. Mark will guide us on a tour of Gesu at Marquette University, along with the Joan of Arc Chapel on campus. From there we will enjoy a delicious lunch at historic Mader’s Restaurant. After lunch, we will tour the amazing St. Josaphat Basilica, St. Anthony’s Parish and St. Stanislaus. We’ll enjoy some treats on our bus ride home, and should return to the parish at 6:45 pm.