Discipleship Team
“Go out and make disciples of all nations.” -Matthew 28:19
Mission oriented
The discipleship team strives to grow in community with each other, grow as personal disciples, and then go out and disciple others!
Service driven
The team is dedicated to serving the people of St. Bernard - always planning events and outreach for prayer opportunities, fellowship, and community building.
The call of the discipleship team is from our Lord. That means that the team is held accountable to certain standards, such as:
meeting once per month
being present at parish events
taking leadership roles within the parish
attending Mass on Sundays
striving to live out the Catholic faith
Meet the Team
Sara Adams
Meg Lehman
Lori Ann Keisic
Ben Krysiak
Shawna & Christopher Cooper
Deacon Art Gerstner
Kathy DeNoble
Jeff Adams
Aaron Schnell
Michael Pluta
About the Discipleship Team Leader
Hey, I’m Sara! I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin the youngest of two. We moved out to the boondocks when I was ten, and I developed a love of nature and solitude. I attended Catholic high school in Milwaukee (shout out to DSHA) and then the Program in Physical Therapy at Marquette University. I met my husband, Jeff, during orientation week at Marquette, and we have been married 27 years and parishoners at St. Bernard for 25. We have two beautiful children, Emma (24) and James (19), who are embarking on their own journeys of adulthood. Along the path of my own adulthood, Jeff and I have pursued a love of landscaping and our yard is our “hobby.” As a Physical Therapist I have worked in the hospital, skilled nursing facility, clinic, and home setting; everything but the school system. When I have time, I am an avid reader, crafter, and creator of spaces of solace.
When you encounter Jesus your life becomes divided. You have a before and an after. It is best summed up by “Mary Magdalene’s” character on the show, The Chosen.
“All I know is that I was one way and now I am completely different and the thing that happened in between was Him.”
Four years ago, despite being “successful,” I found myself asking the question, “Is this it?” I always considered myself a faithful Catholic. I always thought that I held my faith central in my life. I went to church, volunteered, tithed, joined committees, prayed (especially when I needed help). I even had moments of Holy Spirit inspiration. Then the question came. “Who is Jesus?” Sitting in an ALPHA session I realized that I had a relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, but I had no relationship with Jesus. I cannot say that Jesus came rushing into my heart and that my conversion was sudden and stunning; it was gentle and gradual and continues to grow. What I can say is that once I realized I was missing Him, my life did truly become a before and after. I could list all the “programs” that I have delved into in my own search, but I won’t. That is the journey God created uniquely for me just as He has created one uniquely for each person who reads this. What I will say is that my journey has led me here. It has led me here to where I give control of everything to Him. It has filled my life with greater joy, peace, love, and depth than I thought possible. See, if you get anything from me, let it be that it’s not about me, it is meant to point to Him.
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