Discover Jesus. Follow Jesus. Share Jesus. Worship Jesus.

Welcome to St. Bernard Parish!

Saturday: 4:00 PM

Sunday: 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM

Weekday Mass Times, Confession, & Adoration

Tuesday: 5:00 PM Confessions & Adoration, 6:00 PM Mass

(4th Tuesday of the month: Family Adoration 5:00-6:00pm)

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:45 AM Mass

Saturday: 8:30-9:30 AM Confessions (during Lent)

2:30 PM Confessions

Beginning the weekend of March 8/9 and continuing through April 5/6 we will have Adoration 30 minutes before weekend Masses.

Weekend Mass Times

Looking to stay up to date on everything St. Bernard? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!


Looking to stay up to date on everything St. Bernard? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram! ***

Visit Us

2040 Hillside Lane
Green Bay, WI 54302

Parish Office Hours

Spring/Summer (Memorial Day-Labor Day):
Monday–Thursday 8 AM - 4 PM

Fall/Winter (Labor Day-Memorial Day):

Monday–Thursday 8 AM - 4 PM

Friday 8 AM - 12 PM


  • For the Seminarian Collection and Bishops Appeal, please visit the Diocesan giving page below.